Archives 2005-2020

1st annual conference of the Italian Society of Law and Economics, University of Siena, November 25-27, 2005

Keynote speakers:

  • Francesco Parisi (George Mason University & Università di Milano)
    The evolution of L&E: lessons from founding fathers
  • Benito Arrunada (Pompeu Fabra University)
    Specialization advantages and rent-seeking in religious intermediation: the case of Catholic confession


2nd annual conference of the Italian Society of Law and Economics, LUISS “Guido Carli” University, Rome, October 20-21, 2006

Keynote speaker:

  • Alain Schwartz (Yale University)
    Contract theory and contract law


3rd annual conference of the Italian Society of Law and Economics, University “Luigi Bocconi, Milan, November 09-10, 2007

Keynote speakers:

  • Jules Coleman (Yale University)
    The grounds of welfare
  • Patrick Rey (Toulouse School of Economics)
    The Law and Economics of unilateral practices


4th annual conference of the Italian Society of Law and Economics, University of Bologna, November 07-08, 2008

Keynote speakers:

  • Oliver Hart (Harvard University)
    Contracts, reference points and firms
  • Henry Manne (George Mason University)
    Past, present and future of L&E (in the US and in the world)


5th annual conference of the Italian Society of Law and Economics, University of Florence, December 4-5, 2009

Keynote speakers:

  • Jacques Crémer (University of Toulouse)
    Solving the “selective intervention” puzzle
  • Nuno Garoupa
    The Law and Economics of Constitutional Courts


6th annual conference of the Italian Society of Law and Economics, Free University of Bozen, December 09-11, 2010

Keynote speaker

  • Henry Smith (Harvard University)
    Law versus equity


7th annual conference of the Italian Society of Law and Economics, University of Turin, December 16-17, 2011

Keynote speakers:

  • Theodore Eisenberg (Cornell University, and IEL)
    The English vs. the American rule on who pays attorney fees: an empirical study of publicly-held companies’ contracts
  • Hans-Bernd Schaefer
    The sovereign debt crisis in Europe, save banks not States


8th annual conference of the Italian Society of Law and Economics, Università degli Studi di Roma Tre, Rome, December 13-15, 2012

Keynote speaker:

  • Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci (Amsterdam Center for Law and Economics)
    Law and culture. A theory of comparative variation


9th annual conference of the Italian Society of Law and Economics, Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano, December 12-13, 2013

Keynote speakers:

  • Luigi Alberto Franzoni (University of Bologna)
    On the economics of trade secrets law
  • Bruno S. Frey (Zeppelin University, and CREMA)
    Future European integration. An unconventional view from Constitutional Law and Economics


10th annual conference of the Italian Society of Law and Economics, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, December 18-20, 2014

Keynote speaker:

  • Eliana La Ferrara (Bocconi University)
    A test of racial bias in capital sentencing


11th annual conference of the Italian Society of Law and Economics, University of Naples, December 18-19, 2015

Keynote speakers:

  • Marco Pagano (University of Naples)
    Strategic leverage and employees’ rights in bankruptcy  
  • Fernando Gomez (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
    Why firms write legal contracts in a lawless world?


12th annual conference of the Italian Society of Law and Economics, University of Turin, December 16-17, 2016

Keynote workshop
Empirical legal studies around the world. The legacy of Theodore Eisenberg


13th annual conference of the Italian Society of Law and Economics, LUMSA University, Rome, December 15-16, 2017

Keynote speakers:

  • Alberto Alemanno (HEC Paris, and NYU Law School)
    Regulating fake news
  • John McCahery (Tilburg University)
    Tranching in the syndicated loan market around the world
  • Simone Sepe (IAST – Toulouse School of Economics, and University of Arizona)
    Whither corporate law


14th annual conference of the Italian Society of Law and Economics, Università del Salento, Lecce, December 13-15, 2018

Keynote speakers:

  • Yuval Feldman (Bar-Ilan University)
    The law of good people
  • Daniel Markovitz (Yale Law School)
    The meritocracy trap: the Law and Economics of human capital
  • Marianna Belloc (University of Rome “La Sapienza”)
    Religious preferences and political institutional change


15th annual conference of the Italian Society of Law and Economics, University of Milan “La Statale”, December 19-21, 2019

Keynote speakers:

  • Kaushik Basu (Cornell University)
    The republic of beliefs. A new approach to Law and Economics
  • Katharina Pistor (Columbia Law School)
    The code of capital: how the law creates wealth and inequality
  • Stefan Grundmann (EUI)
    A theory of regulation of financial markets and contracts


16th annual conference of the Italian Society of Law and Economics, on-line conference, December 16-18, 2020

Keynote speakers:

  • Cristina Bicchieri (University of Pennsylvania)
    Norm nudging and social inferences
  • Henry Hansmann (Yale Law School)
    The evolution of organizational agency costs


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