Conference Program


  • For each paper in a parallel session there is a 30-minute slot. Then, it implies a presentation of about 20 minutes in order to leave 10 minutes for questions and comments from the audience.
  • It is possible (and recommended) to use slides. Please have both a ppt and pdf version uploaded to your USB stick.
  • The presentation might be made by all authors, but within the rule of maximum 20 minutes per presentation.
  • For other info, cf. FAQs.

Dec 14, Wednesday

Villa Malfitano (Fondazione Whitaker),
Via Dante 167, Palermo (7 min. walk from the LUMSA campus)


  • Welcome aperitif and registration

Dec 15, Thursday

LUMSA University, Via Filippo Parlatore, 65, Palermo.

Parallel session A

A1: Litigation, growth and judicial decision-making
Aula 11 "Tincani" (Room 11 - external ground floor)

Session chair : Caserta, Maurizio

A2: Policies, Behaviours and Pandemics
Aula 5 (Room 5 - first floor)

Session chair : Kanzola, Anna-Maria

A3: Digital L&E
Aula 4 (Room 4 - first floor)

Session chair : Martino, Edoardo

A4: Environmental L&E I
Aula 2 (Room 2 - ground floor)

Session chair : Battocletti, Vittoria

A5: Public L&E
Aula 13 "Lo Presti" (Room 13 - external ground floor)

Session chair : Voigt, Stefan

A6: Philosophy of Law and Economics I
Aula 9 (Room 9 - first floor)

Session chair : Tuzet, Giovanni


  • Coffee break

Parallel session B

B1: Competition L&E
Aula 11 "Tincani" (Room 11 - external ground floor)

Session chair : Tzanaki, Anna

B2: Institutions and rules for a sustainable development
Aula 5 (Room 5 - first floor)

Session chair : Porrini, Donatella

B3: Crimes and corruption I
Aula 4 (Room 4 - first floor)

Session chair : Gutiérrez Urtiaga, María

B4: Environmental L&E II
Aula 2 (Room 2 - ground floor)

Session chair : Lorenzini, Sara

B5: Public Law and Human Rights
Aula 13 "Lo Presti" (Room 13 - external ground floor)

Session chair : Tortorici, Giorgio

B6: Philosophy of Law and Economics II
Aula 9 (Room 9 - first floor)

Session chair : Cserne, Peter

B7: Labour L&E
Aula 8 (Room 8 - first floor)

Session chair : Boeri, Tito


  • Lunch

Parallel session

C1: Tort and liability
Aula 11 "Tincani" (Room 11 - external ground floor)

Session chair : Saraceno, Margherita

C2: Environmental L&E III
Aula 5 (Room 5 - first floor)

Session chair : Dini, Giorgio

C3: Economics of social norms and non-egoistic motivation
Aula 4 (Room 4 - first floor)

Session chair : Sacchetti, Silvia

C4: Business law and corporate governance I
Aula 2 (Room 2 - ground floor)

Session chair : Palas, Rimona

C5: Special track: Disclosure and labeling regulation in the food industry
Aula 13 "Lo Presti" (Room 13 - external ground floor)

Session chair : Cecchini Manara, Virginia

C6: Books launch session
Aula 9 (Room 9 - first floor)

Session chair : Rizzolli, Matteo

  • Sarzana, Fulvio: The Law of the Metaverse. NFT, DeFI, GameFi and Privacy (Giappichelli publishing House)
    Discussants: Antonio Manganelli; Giambattista Dagnino
  • Esposito, Fabrizio: The Consumer Welfare Hypothesis in Law and Economics (Elgar Publishing)
    Discussants: Anna Tzanaki; Ugo Pagano


  • Coffee break

Plenary session 1
Aula 11 (Room 11 - external ground floor) - 16:30-18:00

  • Chair : Giovanni B. Ramello
    Welcome address
  • Keynote speech : Jeffrey John Rachlinski
  • What Replication Crisis in the Social Sciences Means for Empirical Legal Studies


  • General Assembly

Aula 11 (Room 11 - external ground floor)

The general assembly (ordinary meeting): beyond the usual communications of the president and treasurer, we will discuss a partial turnover of the SIDE board (“Consiglio Direttivo”). All SIDE members (“Soci”) are invited to the meeting.[1]

First call: 18:00, December 15, 2022.
Second call: 18:10, December 15, 2022.

Agenda (Chair: Giovanni Ramello)

  • Welcome by the President.
  • Communications of the President.
  • Report of the Treasurer.
  • Discussion on the partial replacement of the Board (“Consiglio Direttivo”).
  • Forthcoming conference candidates.
  • Any other business.

Dec 16, Friday

LUMSA University, Via Filippo Parlatore, 65, Palermo.

Parallel session D

D1: Public Choice
Aula 11 "Tincani" (Room 11 - external ground floor)

Session chair : Ronza, Carla

D2: International and comparative L&E
Aula 8 (Room 8 - first floor)

Session chair : Bellantuono, Giuseppe

D3: Crimes and corruption II
Aula 3 (Room 3 - ground floor)

Session chair : Germani, Anna Rita

D4: Data governance and cybersecurity
Aula 9 (Room 9 - first floor)

Session chair : Borgogno, Oscar

D5: Special track: Disclosure and labeling regulation in the food industry
Aula 4 (Room 4 - first floor)

Session chair : Faillo, Marco

D6: Philosophy of Law and Economics III
Aula 13 "Lo Presti" (Room 13 - external ground floor)

Session chair : Solari, Stefano


  • Coffee break

Parallel session E

E1: Litigation process and judicial efficiency I
Aula 11 "Tincani" (Room 11 - external ground floor)

Session chair : Gomez, Fernando

E2: Public Law and Public Finance
Aula 8 (Room 8 - first floor)

Session chair : Bhatt, Jeet

E3: Behavioural L&E I
Aula 3 (Room 3 - ground floor)

Session chair : Danciu, Diana

E4: Intellectual Property Rights
Aula 9 (Room 9 - first floor)

Session chair : Granieri, Massimiliano

E5: Philosophy of Law and Economics IV
Aula 4 (Room 4 - first floor)

Session chair : Silvestri, Paolo


  • Lunch

Parallel session F

F1: Litigation process and judicial efficiency II
Aula 11 "Tincani" (Room 11 - external ground floor)

Session chair : Saraceno, Margherita

F2: Corporate Law and Governance
Aula 8 (Room 8 - first floor)

Session chair : Saez Lacave, Maribel

F3: Policy impact evaluations
Aula 3 (Room 3 - ground floor)

Session chair : Castaldo, Angelo

F4: Experiments and public choice
Aula 9 (Room 9 - first floor)

Session chair : Lorenzo Spadoni

F5: Apps and platforms
Aula 4 (Room 4 - first floor)

Session chair : Ghirlanda, Pietro

F6: Inequality, Law and Social Justice
Aula 13 "Lo Presti" (Room 13 - external ground floor)

Session chair : Bertelli, Francesca


  • Coffee Break

Plenary session 2
Aula 11 (Room 11 - external ground floor) - 16:30-18:00


  • Social Dinner, Villa Malfitano (Fondazione Whitaker) Via Dante 167, Palermo (7 min. walk from the LUMSA campus)

[1] All participants of 2022 SIDE annual conference that have paid conference fees are SIDE members (“Soci”).

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