Call for papers:
Case Studies on Transport Policy Special Issue
Technological Innovation in Urban Mobility: Public Policy, Regulation and Market Structure
Guest editors:
1) Federico Boffa Free University of Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy;
2) Giuseppe Bellantuono - University of Trento;
3) Angela Stefania Bergantino - University of Bari Aldo Moro;
4) Alberto Iozzi - Tor Vergata University of Rome;
Special issue information: Technological innovation is drastically affecting urban mobility. In particular, digitalization and automation are deeply transforming the transport sector: mobility as a service, shared mobility, autonomous vehicles, robotaxis, volotaxis are only some of the examples. This Special Issue aims at understanding how to govern these changes, from an economic and a legal viewpoint. We will look at public policies and regulatory tools that best fit the transition, by combining efficiency and acceptability by the public opinion.
Manuscript submission information:
Submission deadline: May 10, 2025.
Submitted articles for this special issue must not have been previously published or currently submitted for consideration for publication elsewhere.
For publication, all submissions must be original.
Submission process and papers must adhere to the normal author guidelines of Case Studies on Transport Policy. All submissions to this SI should be submitted via the Case Studies on Transport Policy online submission system. When you submit your paper to this SI, please choose article type “VSI: Innovation in Mobility and Public Policy“. Otherwise your submission will be handled as a regular manuscript.