The Italian Society of Law and Economics (SIDE)

The 20th annual conference of the Italian Society of Law and Economics (SIDE) will held on December 18-20, 2024, in the premises of the Faculty of Law of the Sapienza University of Rome,
Sapienza University of Rome (P.le Aldo Moro, 5, Rome, Italy).

Registrations are open

The Italian Society of Law and Economics (SIDE) aims to provide a forum for the development, discussion, and dissemination of studies on any topic regarding the Law and Economics (JEL Code: K).

Main topic areas are: Administrative Law and Regulated Industries; Antitrust and Competition Law; Bankruptcy Law, Business Law, Theory of the Firm, Corporate Governance; Behavioural L&E; Comparative L&E, with specific reference to both qualitative and quantitative approaches; Constitutional L&E, Public Choice, Public Finance, and Tax Law; Contracts; Criminal L&E; Economics of Social Norms; Employment Law, Labour Law; Environmental Law; Experimental L&E; Health Law (including Public Health) and Insurance Law; Inequality, Social Justice and Human Rights Law; Intellectual Property, Cyber law and Privacy; International L&E; Judicial Behaviour and Legal Profession; L&E of Non-Profit Organizations; Law and Finance; Litigation Process and Law Enforcement; Philosophical and Methodological Foundations of L&E (including History of Thought); Property Law; Torts; Transaction Cost Economics, and Economics of Institutions; Varieties of Capitalism.

Moreover, SIDE wants to encourage the research of young scholars (see Brenno Galli awards) and to consolidate relationships among European centers of Law and Economics.

To this end, the set-up of the SIDE annual conference is highly interdisciplinary and open to all rigorous scientific methodologies (see Archive of past conferences). Many leading scholars gave their keynote speech at the SIDE annual conference (see Media section).

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