Is the mafia responsible for technological backwardness in Sicily? An analysis from the unification of the kingdom of Italy (1861) to 1913

Giuseppe Di Vita (University of Catania)
Fabio Di Vita (University of Catania)
Livio Ferrante (University of Catania)


In this paper we study how the presence of Mafia may have affected technological progress in Sicily. In particular we investigate if the presence of this criminal organisation may explain the technological backwardness recorded in Sicily, and among the Sicilian municipalities, from the unification of the Italian Kingdom (1861) up to 1913. We found empirical evidence that the strengthening of the mafia begun in 1894, date of the dissolution of the socialist Peasant Fasci organizations. Moreover this criminal association flourish in the illiteracy, that constitutes a constraint of technological progress. In conclusion, the Mafia in Sicily has hampered the process of technological development since 1894.

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