Conference Program


  • For each paper in a parallel session there is a 30-minute slot (or 23 minutes in the case of sessions with 4 papers). This implies a presentation of about 20 minutes (18 minutes in the case of sessions with 4 papers) in order to leave 10 minutes (or 5 minutes in the case of sessions with 4 papers) for questions and comments from the audience.
  • It is possible (and recommended) to use slides. Please have both a ppt and pdf version uploaded to your USB stick.
  • The presentation might be made by all authors, but within the rule of maximum 20 (or 18) minutes per presentation.

Venue: P.le Aldo Moro 5, Faculty of Law, Sapienza University of Rome.

Dec 18th, Wednesday


  • Registration


Welcome address
Aula Calasso

  • Oliviero Diliberto (Dean of the Faculty of Law, Sapienza University of Rome)
  • Angelo Castaldo (Sapienza University of Rome)
  • Giovanni Battista Ramello (University of Turin and President of the SIDE-ISLE)
  • Filippo Reganati (Head of the Department of Legal and Economic Studies, Sapienza University of Rome, acting as the chair of the session)

Plenary session 1

A1: Constitutional L&E, Public Choice and Tax Law (I)
Room: Aula Calasso

Session chair : Filippo Reganati


  • Welcome aperitif

Dec 19, Thursday

Parallel session B

B1: Administrative Law and Economics and Regulated Industries (I)
Room: Aula Calasso

Session chair : Roberto Basile

B2: Issues of Labour L&E
Room: Aula VI

Session chair : Roberto Ippoliti

B3: Measuring Formal and Informal Institutions
Room: Aula VII

Session chair : Massimo D'Antoni

B4: Behavioral L&E and Social Norms
Room: Aula VIII

Session chair : Silvia Sacchetti

B5: Experimental L&E
Room: Aula IX

Session chair : Marco Faillo

B6: Business L&E in the Digital Era (I)
Room: Library Istituto Economia e Finanze

Session chair : Mitja Kovac

B7: Climate Change and Environmental L&E (I)
Room: Aula Seminari Istituto di Diritto Pubblico

Session chair : Alessandro Marinaccio


  • Coffee break

Parallel session C

C1: Criminal L&E (I)
Room: Aula Calasso

Session chair : Anna Rita Germani

C2: Innovation and Impact Evaluation of Public Policies
Room: Aula VI

Session chair : Elena Ragazzi

C3: Law and Finance (I)
Room: Aula VII

Session chair : Olivier Butzbach

C4: Business L&E in the Digital Era (II)
Room: Aula VIII

Session chair : Francesco Parisi

C5: Antitrust, Competition Law and Digital Markets (I)
Room: Aula IX

Session chair : Edward Iacobucci

C6: International L&E
Room: Library Istituto Economia e Finanze

Session chair : Martina Ferracane


  • Lunch

Parallel session

D1: Law and Finance (II)
Room: Aula Calasso

Session chair : Enrico Del Prato

D2: Administrative Law and Regulated Industries (II)
Room: Aula VI

Session chair : Fernando Gomez

D3: Philosophy of L&E (I)
Room: Aula VII

Session chair : Giovanni Tuzet

D4: Public L&E and Judicial Behavior (I)
Room: Aula VIII

Session chair : Alessandro Melcarne

D5: Quality of Institutions, Growth and Public Policies
Room: Aula IX

Session chair : Walter Paternesi Meloni

D6: Cyber security
Room: Library Istituto Economia e Finanze

Session chair : Ugo Finardi

Parallel session

E1: Bankruptcy Law, Business Law, Theory of the Firm, Corporate Governance (I)
Room: Aula Calasso

Session chair : Robert Rhee

E2: Constitutional L&E and Public Finance
Room: Aula VI

Session chair : Andrea Salustri

E3: Innovative investments, Safety and social welfare
Room: Aula VII

Session chair : Laurent Carnis

E4: Antitrust and Competition Law (II)
Room: Aula VIII

Session chair : Massimiliano Granieri

E5: Artificial Intelligence and cyber law
Room: Aula IX

Session chair : Ewa Kruszewska

E6: Philosophy of L&E (II)
Room: Library Istituto Economia e Finanze

Session chair : Paolo Silvestri


  • Coffee break

Plenary session 2
Aula Calasso - 17:30-18:30

  • Keynote 1
  • Prof. Peter T. Leeson (George Mason University) : "Anākī: The Law and Economics of Samurai Organization"
  • Chair : Prof. Giovanni Battista Ramello

18:30-19:00 - Room: Aula Calasso

  • General Assembly

All SIDE members (“Soci”) are invited to the meeting. All participants of the 2024 SIDE annual conference who have paid conference fees are SIDE members (“Soci”).


  1. Welcome by the President.
  2. Communications of the President.
  3. Report of the Treasurer.
  4. Communications of the secretary.
  5. Communications of the local organizers.
  6. Forthcoming SIDE conference candidates.
  7. Forthcoming SIDE initiatives.
  8. Any other business.


  • Social Dinner, Circolo Caio Duilio, Lungotevere Flaminio, 45, 00196, Roma.

How to Reach the Social Dinner Venue from the University

Dec 20, Friday

Parallel session F

F1: Public L&E and Judicial Behavior (II)
Room: Aula Calasso

Session chair : Giovanni Battista Ramello

F2: Inequality, Social Justice and Human Rights Law
Room: Aula VI

Session chair : Nicola Giocoli

F3: Behavioural L&E
Room: Aula VII

Session chair : Pietro Guarnieri

F4: Antitrust and Competition Law (III)
Room: Aula VIII

Session chair : Lorenzo Clementi

F6: Economics of Social Norms (I)
Room: Library Istituto Economia e Finanze

Session chair : Nadia Von Jacobi


  • Coffee break

Parallel session G

G1: Tort L&E
Room: Aula Calasso

Session chair : Luigi Alberto Franzoni

G2: Climate Change and Environmental L&E (II)
Room: Aula VI

Session chair : Alfredo Moliterni

G3: Business L&E in the Digital Era (III)
Room: Aula VII

Session chair : Alessio Azzuti

G4: Bankruptcy Law, Business Law, Theory of the Firm, Corporate Governance (II)
Room: Aula VIII

Session chair : Robert Rhee

G5: Antitrust, Competition Law and Digital Markets (II)
Room: Aula IX

Session chair : Donatella Porrini

G6: Antitrust and Competition Law (I)
Room: Library Istituto Economia e Finanze

Session chair : Valerio Torti


  • Lunch

Plenary session 3
Aula Calasso - 14:00-15:00

  • Keynote 2
  • Prof. Emma Galli (Sapienza University of Rome) : "Building the glass house: the political economy of transparency"
  • Chair : Prof. Angelo Castaldo


  • XII "Brenno Galli" Award

Parallel session H

H1: Economics of Social Norms (II)
Room: Aula Calasso

Session chair : Matteo Rizzolli

H2: Bankruptcy Law, Business Law, Theory of the Firm, Corporate Governance (III)
Room: Aula VI

Session chair : Antonio Capizzi

H3: Transaction costs
Room: Aula VII

Session chair : Rafael González-Val

H4: Philosophy of L&E (III)
Room: Aula VIII

Session chair : Alessio Sardo

H5: Public L&E and Judicial Behavior (III)
Room: Aula IX

Session chair : Akram Alasgarov

H6: Experimental Law and Economics and Judicial Efficiency
Room: Library Istituto Economia e Finanze

Session chair : Bruno Mathis

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